Data Transfer Cost Comparison AWS vs GCP vs Azure

May 16, 2022

Data Transfer Cost Comparison AWS vs GCP vs Azure

Welcome to our latest comparison blog post! Today, we'll be diving into the data transfer costs of three major cloud providers – AWS, GCP, and Azure.

Data transfer costs can be challenging to calculate, and it often varies depending on multiple factors such as the data type, source and destination, provider region, and so on. Therefore, this comparison aims to provide you with a baseline understanding of what to expect.

Let's jump in and see how the providers fare!


AWS provides free data transfer for traffic between services within the same region. Still, if you need to move data out of the AWS environment, you'll need to pay for the data transfer cost. These costs vary depending on the transfer type, source region, and the destination region.

Here are a few examples of AWS data transfer costs:

Transfer Type Source Region Destination Region Cost per GB
Internet Data Transfer US East (Ohio) US West (Oregon) $0.02
Internet Data Transfer Europe (Ireland) Asia Pacific (Sydney) $0.09
Amazon S3 to Amazon EC2 US East (N. Virginia) Asia Pacific (Tokyo) $0.02


Google Cloud Platform, or GCP, has a similar data transfer cost model as AWS. However, GCP doesn't charge for data transfer between services within the same region and zone.

Here's a comparison of some GCP data transfer costs:

Transfer Type Source Region Destination Region Cost per GB
Egress (Internet) US-Central1 Asia Pacific-East1 $0.08
Egress (Internet) Europe-West1 US-East1 $0.08
Cloud Storage to Cloud SQL US-Central1 Asia Pacific-East1 $0.01


Azure, the cloud platform from Microsoft, has a slightly different model for data transfer costs. Unlike AWS and GCP, Azure has various types of data transfer pricing, such as normal data transfers, premium data transfers, and inbound data transfers.

Here's a price comparison of some Azure data transfer costs:

Transfer Type Source Region Destination Region Cost per GB
Zone 1 Egress Data Transfer East US West Europe $0.087
Zone 2 Egress Data Transfer East Asia Japan East $0.112
CDN Data Transfer Anywhere Anywhere $0.087


As you can see, data transfer costs can vary quite a bit between providers, regions, and transfer types. Therefore, it's essential to have a thorough understanding of your data usage patterns and requirements before deciding on a provider.

We hope this comparison helped you gain some insights into the data transfer costs of AWS, GCP, and Azure. Remember, the comparison only covers a few examples, and the actual pricing may vary depending on your specific needs.

Now that we've listed the data transfer costs of these providers let's bury the hatchet and compare their other services in the future for other far-out data.


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